Friday, September 16, 2016

Pistol Permit Classes

Our course follows the NRA basics of shooting format which has two required phases.    NOTE: You must be 21 years of age with picture ID. 

This first phase is a necessary primer to make sure that you have a solid foundation of basic firearms knowledge. It is done on‐line by you as the student at home (or at a location where you typically access the internet). This 8 hour e‐training program is done on the NRA website and covers firearm types/parts, ammunition, how to clean/maintain a firearm, and the basics of safe firearm handling. The NRA charges $60.00 which you remit to the NRA when you sign up on‐line. 

Phase II  
This second phase is the practical portion of the course conducted here at Hoffman’s. It is a six‐hour class administered by our NRA Certified Instructor. During this time our instructors will make sure that you fully understand the information from the on‐line portion and answer any questions that you may have. The instructors will cover the fundamentals of shooting with ample dry firing time with both revolvers and semi‐automatic pistols. The class will also cover how to obtain your permit in Connecticut, review the pertinent laws involved in owning a firearm, and go through self defense awareness practices. Finally under the strict supervision of the Hoffman’s instructors you will shoot different types of firearms for class qualification. Once you successfully complete the PHASE 1 course on‐line you will be ready to sign up with us for this phase of the course.